Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! Your Gout ATTN – Speaking Opportunity

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  • #3573

    The Global Healthy Living Foundation, a patient advocacy group that seeks to help people with chronic illnesses, is speaking before an FDA hearing on June 21st and is looking for a patient with gout to testify about his or her experiences.?

    We know the suffering and struggle over access to medications or care that gout patients endure, and we are speaking from the advocacy side to the FDA. However, your message, and your words, should be represented. Before the members of the Arthritis Advisory Committee treat any subject concerning gout or vote on approving any new measures or drugs, they must understand.?

    If you live in DC/Maryland metro area and are willing to share your experiences living with gout for a very short presentation (3-5 minutes) before a committee on June 21st, please get in touch with us, emailing me at calling (845) 348-0400 for more information. Please contact us as soon as possible because the names for speakers must be confirmed by May 28th.?

    Thank you so much.?

    All best,?
    The Global Healthy Living Foundation


    That is very tempting but alas the trip from New York is a bit of a haul, and?it is already the 28th.?

    But mostly,?I'd be afraid I'd wind up in the pokey if?I really let my feeings about how the U.S. and?its FDA?has kow-towed to Big Pharma in a huge?price fixing scheme to extort money from those suffering this?lifelong diseases.

    ?I'm afraid that the words BRIBERY and “rigged studies” would escape my lips a bit too often for the delicate ears of? those on the take.


    I wish you well.

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