What Is Allopurinol is my introduction to the most popular medical remedy for gout.
As well as explaining what is allopurinol.
I also explain why it might be important to you.
What Is Allopurinol Audience
I wrote What Is Allopurinol for GoutPal Seekers. These are gout sufferers who know they want to lower uric acid. But, they are seeking information to decide which gout remedies are best for them.
Do you know which type of gout sufferer you are? Because, if not, you should read Questions for Gout Sufferers, before you continue.
What Is Allopurinol?
Allopurinol is the first-line gout remedy. It reduces the amount of uric acid we produce. Because it inhibits an enzyme called Xanthine Oxidase (XO). Note I refer to this type of uric acid treatment as a Uric Acid Blocker.
On this page, I explain the important facts about allopurinol for gout patients. You do not need to know the chemical formula. Or even how allopurinol does its job. However, you do need to know why allopurinol is important to all gout sufferers. Above all, why it might be important to you.
There are other uric acid lowering drugs. Also, there are natural Uric Acid Blockers. But, allopurinol has the following advantages:
- Many clinical trials have tested allopurinol doses for safety and efficacy. But plant-based inhibitors have not been studied in enough detail. Making effective dosing difficult. So natural and herbal uric acid remedies can be hard to manage.
- As a generic drug, allopurinol is inexpensive. So, even brands such as Zyloprim, or Aloprim, are not expensive.
- With a long track record, we know allopurinol safety. Also, we know how to deal with intolerance (see allopurinol side effects).
Is Allopurinol A Lifesaver?
Undoubtedly. There is ongoing research about the wider benefits of allopurinol in other diseases. But, that is beyond the scope of GoutPal. However, I may mention other diseases on my gout blog.
As gout sufferers, we should recognize allopurinol as the lifesaver that it is. In everyday life, we experience gout as excruciating pain. But, we should never forget why that pain happens. Because gout pain is a result of excess uric acid.
Modern medicine gives us many options for pain relief. So, nobody has to suffer. But that ignores the risk of death from two sources:
- Long term pain medication is dangerous. Unfortunately, many gout patients take colchicine or NSAIDs for many years. But long-term use of these drugs is linked to increased health problems.
- Don’t focus on gout pain relief, to the exclusion of controlling uric acid. Because that causes uric acid crystal deposits throughout the body. Which frequently leads to kidney disease and other organ diseases. Kidney disease can be fatal. Also, there are cases of tophi affecting other vital organs. Including the heart.
Allopurinol guards us against the dangers of long-term pain relief. Also, from the dangers of excess uric acid.
Is Allopurinol Dangerous?
Allopurinol should not be dangerous. There are a small group of people who have an allergic reaction to allopurinol. Allopurinol rash is dangerous. Medically, this is called Allopurinol Hypersensitivity Syndrome (AHS). But, with proper medical care, it should never happen.
Allopurinol is safe when you take it as recommended by experts. So, you should get screened before allopurinol if you are in a high-risk group. Also, see Minimize Allopurinol Side Effects.
Start with 100mg and get liver and kidney function tests with every uric acid test. With initial precautions and regular testing, allopurinol is more than safe. More than safe? Yes, because you are getting regular blood tests. So, you know that your kidneys and liver are functioning correctly. How many of your friends can say that?
Is Allopurinol Right For Me?
That is a question I can never answer. All gout remedies are personal. So, you have to discuss your own situation with your doctor. Gout guidelines are clear. Because they explain that doctors should always treat gout on a case-by-case basis. Then, they must plan treatment to suit you as an individual.
One thing is clear about allopurinol – you should consider it first. But, other options may be more suitable to your medical history and current condition.

What Is Allopurinol: Next Steps
You asked, “What is allopurinol?” So, now you can see it is a life-saving, safe, gout remedy. But, you must be considered as an individual. So, remedies must respect your medical history and treatment preferences.
In a nutshell, allopurinol is the first choice for gout control. Your individual circumstances might favor another option. But, you should consider allopurinol first. You can discuss this with your doctor, and discuss it in the gout remedies forums.
Leave What Is Allopurinol to browse the allopurinol guidelines.
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- Gout Info Update Service – Stay Updated about Gout
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What Is Allopurinol Spelling
Like many medicines, allopurinol is often misspelled. Though spelling is often overrated, it pays to take extra care with medicines, as a misunderstanding might cause treatment problems in the unlikely event of a similar sounding drug being taken mistakenly.
Additionally, bad spelling or using brand names can make searching for information difficult.
I have now moved spelling tips to the allopurinol facts page. So see Allopurinol facts for allipurinal, allunopril, alupronol, and Zyloprim.
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