In Gout & Disease, I look at gout linked with various other diseases.
Gout is often associated with other diseases, though often the links are unclear. We have situations where gout causes another disease, another disease causes gout, or there appears to be a statistical link, but nobody understands how the health problems affect each other. We know that excess uric acid causes gout, but other properties of uric acid are less certain.
There are many investigations that show statistical links, but these often raise more questions than answers. In many cases, a statistical association leads to specific investigations, but it can take several years of detailed research before scientists understand these complex relationships.
I have covered many diseases associated with gout, but if you think I have missed one, please share your views and experiences in the gout disease forum. I would also appreciate your comments there if you want me to give priority to researching or summarizing a particular disease and it’s association with gout.
There are lots of discussions in the gout forum about different disease associations. Use the search box near the top of every page to find current discussions. This will also include relevant articles from the gout disease blog.
Gout And Heart Disease
Heart disease, or cardiovascular disease, which includes related conditions such as stroke and angina, is currently being investigated widely. Various associations are being considered, in particular, the role of uric acid. Some recent investigations into allopurinol in heart patients reveal strong links between uric acid and heart disease, though the relationship is not yet fully understood.
Search for heart or cardiovascular for articles and discussions related to heart and gout disease.
Gout And Kidney Disease
As uric acid is excreted or reclaimed through the kidneys, there are many associations between gout and kidney disease. Kidney stones are a common risk for gout sufferers.
Search for kidney or renal for articles and discussions related to kidney and gout disease.
Gout And Liver Disease
As the liver plays a big part in producing uric acid, there are many associations between gout and liver disease. Some gout treatments create concerns about liver damage, but this requires individual case investigation and analysis. Because gout patients can also get liver improvements.
Search for liver or hepatic for articles and discussions related to liver and gout disease.
Gout And Osteoarthritis
As uric acid is deposited around joints as crystals, there are many associations between gout and osteoarthritis. Joint damage is a common risk for gout sufferers.
Search for osteoarthritis, bone erosion, or joint damage to find related articles and discussions.
Gout And Thyroid Diseases

There are 2 groups of thyroid problems:
- Hyperthyroidism: Overactive thyroid
- Hypothyroidism: Underactive thyroid
An overactive thyroid is linked to higher risk of gout due to increased production of uric acid. Underactive thyroid is linked to higher risk of gout due to decreased excretion of uric acid. From “Hyperuricemia and gout in thyroid endocrine disorders:”
In comparison to the prevalence reported in the general population, a significant increase of both hyperuricemia and gout was found in the hypothyroid patients, and of hyperuricemia in the hyperthyroid patients. In hyperthyroidism, the hyperuricemia is due to the increased urate production, while in hypothyroidism the hyperuricemia is secondary to a decreased renal plasma flow and impaired glomerular filtration.

Gout & Disease: Next Steps
In the Gout Disease Blog, I often report associations between gout or uric acid and other diseases. As these associations become better understood, I review and summarize the relationship here. You can keep up-to-date with developments in the field of gout associated with other diseases by subscribing to my free update service:
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