Two weeks and two days since starting Allopurinol
Hello Keith,
Hope you are well ?
I said I'd keep you posted on my uric acid levels so here is an up date.
I started taking 100mgs of Allopurinol on the 3rd of Sept 2012 . On the 17th, a fortnight later I had a blood test for uric acid , kidney function and liver function as you advised.
During the first two weeks of the commencement of Allopurinol?I encountered a flare up of gout ( 5 days in to be exact ) so I started Colchicine Immediately , one per day , which stopped it in its tracks.
My uric acid level before starting Allopurinol was 448 and I am delighted to say they are now down to 290 . Yippee!
I was so pleased with the result but then I was somewhat deflated when the nurse said I would need to have a liver function re test ?
I didn't ask her why ? I just made an appointmet for retest on Wednesday.
I just...